Download hexbug spider battle
Download hexbug spider battle

download hexbug spider battle

We actually did this twice, for two different remote controllers.

download hexbug spider battle

An overview of the Hexbug Spider Remote Controller's circuit board can be found here. You can see our setup below - we used a small-bread board to connect an April development board with a Imp Dev Card to various jumper wires we'd soldered on to various end points of the circuit board. Web-client -> firebase -> imp agent -> imp device -> hexbug spider remote controller -> hexbug spider Hardware Side Notes We removed the circuit board of a Hexbug Spider remote controller and connected various switches controlling the spider's movement to different pins on an Imp April development board, we configured the Imp device code to map agent instructions (in english) to different pin actions, we configured the agent to respond to those instructions based on streamed firebase updates, and we built client javascript code to update that firebase with relevant instructions in near real-time. Our strategy here was to simply chain various pieces of technology.

download hexbug spider battle

This is hack that allows web-based control and movement scheduling / coordination of multiple hex bug spiders through the use of the Electric Imp and Firebase.

Download hexbug spider battle