BPMN Stands for Business Process Modelling Notation
BPMN Stands for Business Process Modelling Notation

BPMN Stands for Business Process Modelling Notation

In ‘BPMN 2.0’, what BPMN stands for was changed to Business Process Model and Notation. While ‘BPMN 1.x’, BPMN stood for Business Process Modeling Notation, and were a standard for drawing methods for Business Process Diagram (Flow Diagram), basically, at first, 48 “BPMN Elements” were standardized, mainly for Events, Activities (Task and Sub-process), and Gateways (Conditional Split), then increased to 55 throughout the upgrade of the versions from 1.0, 1.1 to 1.2. Just as ‘a map’ is described with map symbols, or ‘a blueprint’ is described using architectural symbols, a ‘Process Diagram’ is drawn using symbols called “BPMN elements”. It allows to graphically illustrate the business procedures within an Organization such as, “What kind of processes are there?And, which teams? What should be done? Using which data? For which process?”. Whereas, since “BPMN 2.0”, it became a wide range standard which includes data exchange specifications, etc.īPMN is defined by the OMG (Object Management Group), an international standard-setting organization, and is used to represent Business Process. Between “BPMN 1.0” (2004) and “BPMN 1.2”, it was a drawing method’s standard specification.

BPMN Stands for Business Process Modelling Notation

It is an international standard specification about notation and definition of Business Process. BPMN stands for Business Process Modeling Notation.

BPMN Stands for Business Process Modelling Notation